What Happens if Parents Refuse Homework for their Kids
If you hate that your kids have to do homework after school, you are likely wondering if you can make it so your child doesn’t have to do homework anymore. What happens if parents refuse to let their kids do homework or turn it in?
If parents refuse to let their children do or turn in their homework, the child will get a low grade and likely fail the class or grade year. When a child fails a grade or class, they have to retake the class or are held back for a year or until they pass the year.
If you are wondering if your child can pass their classes without doing homework, you have come to the right place. More information about what will happen to your child if you don’t let them do homework is below.
Can Parents Refuse to Let their Kids Do Homework?
Parents can refuse to let their kids do homework, but the kids will suffer because their grades will go down. Parents can tell their child’s teacher that they don’t want their child to do homework for various reasons. However, teachers create their own homework policies, and the school board and district will likely back the teacher rather than the parents. Schools have assigned homework to children for hundreds of years, and they likely won’t stop anytime soon. (Source)
To tell your child’s teacher that you don’t want them to do homework, arrange a meeting with them. There, you can present your arguments and discuss that teacher’s homework policy.
If you don’t get anywhere with the teacher and they won’t change the homework policy, you can meet with the school board or district. However, you likely won’t win the argument, so it will be a waste of your time. If the issue is important to you, you can fight it, but don’t be disappointed when you lose the fight.
If parents refuse to let their children do homework, their children won’t get the points associated with the homework. Oftentimes, homework points make or break a child’s grade, even if the assignments are only worth a few points. Those few points add up over time. If they don’t do the homework, they won’t pass the class or grade and will either be held back or have to retake the class.
Children can pass their classes or grade without doing homework, but they will have to get full points or close to it on all of their tests and graded assignments. This is extremely difficult, especially if you haven’t practiced by doing the assigned homework. Even if a child does pass their classes without doing homework, they will receive low grades. If they are in middle or high school, they will get a C, which will negatively impact their chances of getting into college.
Oftentimes, children don’t even have to do their homework at home; they can do it at the end of the school day after they finish all of their assignments.
If you don’t want your children to do homework, but want them to succeed in school, you can try to find a teacher or school district that doesn’t allow homework to be assigned. However, it is extremely hard to find teachers and school districts that don’t regularly assign homework.
Why Refuse to Let Your Kids Do Homework?
Homework is sometimes difficult for a child to complete, so it is no wonder you don’t want to put your child through it. You are not alone in that want.
If a child doesn’t do their homework or isn’t assigned any in the first place, they have more time to spend time with their family, play with their friends, and play by themselves or their siblings. They will also be less tired mentally at the end of the day, even if they participated in a full day of school.
Oftentimes, teachers believe that they shouldn’t assign a large amount of homework. However, those teachers still assign homework to their students, it is just minimal and should only take between 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Benefits of Homework
Although there are cons to homework, there are also benefits, which is why homework is still being assigned. Homework allows students to practice what they learned in school that day. This helps them remember the material so they can learn and easily use the material in the future, which is important for when students take tests, as they often aren’t allowed to use notes or textbooks.
If a student can’t remember the material because they didn’t do their homework, they will fail the test and receive low grades. If their grades are low enough, they will be held back. Being held back is humiliating and isolating.
Sometimes, teachers will go over the homework at the beginning of class before it is collected. This allows students to see what they got wrong and ask for help if needed. It also lets them know what they excel at and need to work on.
Homework allows you to see what your children are learning in school. You can also help them understand concepts they are struggling with. As students do their homework, what they learned is refreshed in their minds, which helps them remember the concepts.
Homework helps students prepare for college. All college professors assign homework, and some are notorious for assigning a large amount of it. If a student ever hasn’t done their homework, when they get to college they won’t be prepared. They won’t have the mental capacity to finish it after class, and they will fail their college classes. If they fail enough of their classes, they will drop out or be expelled.
If your child is struggling to do their homework, talk to their teacher and see if they can extend the deadline for your child. Oftentimes, they will give the child an extra day or two.
If possible, make homework fun for your child, especially if they are struggling to do their homework because they are anxious. If your child struggles to do their homework, reward them when they complete it. The reward can be anything from candy to a new toy.